For Your Binder

Where are the people of color in children’s books? A retrospective.

The reason I used this link for you is because within it you will be able to access a few other articles that give historical and more recent (2014) context to this ongoing topic. The other reason is because this website as a whole is a fantastic resource for making sure your book area is providing windows, sliding glass doors and mirrors for everyone! #books #stories #DAP #language #literacy #equity #diversity #teaching #learning #reading

Building Blocks of Math Skills: The Many Ways Block Building Supports Young Children’s Discovery of Early Math Concepts

Unit blocks have been around for over 100 years!  Why is their potential still so often underestimated?? #math #play #blocks #DAP #learning #teaching

Creating Inclusive Playgrounds: A Playbook of Considerations and Strategies

Worth the cost of the ink to print out all 140 pages!  From page 11:

This playbook aims to give readers:

• insight into gaps and issues inherent in thinking about inclusive playground design and practice

• insight into how inclusive playgrounds and their surroundings are experienced together

• potential strategies that will contribute to project discussions, designs, budgets, and more

• a depth and breadth of ‘how to’ guidance for designing inclusive playgrounds

• ways to ensure that any inclusively designed playground and its surrounding environment are accessible and welcoming to children with disabilities and their families

#play #inclusion #accessibility #equity #environment #recess #playgrounds #DAP #movement #outside #teaching #learning

I did it all by myself! Scaffolding to develop problem-solving and self-help skills in young children

This articles explores the concept of scaffolding and offers a few strategies.  #theorists #DAP #teaching #learning

A Good Beginning

Imagine that!  Social and emotional competence is JUST AS important as the ABCs and 123s!  #play #DAP #teaching #learning


A top researcher says it's time to rethink our entire approach to preschool

This is one of the many articles that came out in 2022 in response to what has simply become known as "The #Vanderbilt study.  A quote from the article, "We might actually get better results, she says, from simply letting little children play." #play #DAP #teaching #learning #Tennessee

Do Early Educators’ Implicit Biases Regarding Sex and Race Relate to Behavior Expectations and Recommendations of Preschool Expulsions and Suspensions?

This study attempts to explain the underlying processes that contribute to the well-documented racial disparities in school readiness, educational achievement and in later life opportunity. #teaching #learning #equity #implicitbias #expulsion

The Play-Friendly School Label: A handbook for schools

This document came on my radar while I was taking the Pop Up Adventure Play Playworker Development Course 

I quickly realized that it serves as a functional "how-to" manual for anyone who not only says they want to be play based, but is really ready to put their money where their mouth is and make it happen.  The document is from 2019 so I am not sure if the workshops and consulting piece they mention is still available, but it's a worthy read all the same.  I read it three times and am still gleaning insight.  #play #teaching #learning #environment 

The Human Nature of Teaching Part I: Ways of Teaching That We Share With Other Animals. What can we learn from animals by watching them teach?

Part I in a series by Peter Gray.   He says his goal for the series is to examine teaching from the ground up. He starts here by defining teaching and presents evidence that teaching occurs in at least some non-human animals. An examination of teaching in other species may lead to insights that will be useful for understanding teaching in our species. #teaching #learning #DAP #play

Return to Kindergarten: A “Garden of Children” or “the New First Grade”?

Kindergarten should be the graduate school of fantasy play! Where did we go wrong?  #play #DAP #theorists #teaching #learning

Building Forts and Minds: The Importance of Child Built Space

In these secret places, children develop and control environments of their own and enjoy freedom from the rules of the adult world. #dens #forts #outside #environments #play #parenting #teaching #learning

The COVID generation: how is the pandemic affecting kids' brains?

Child development researchers are asking whether the COVID pandemic is shaping brains and behavior. #teaching #learning 
