For Your Binder

Patience or Understanding?

Patience is rarely necessary when one is understanding. #teaching #learning #care #relationships

Edutainment? No thanks. I prefer playful learning

Words can make a big difference in how we think and what we do. #play #learning #teaching

Early Social-Emotional Functioning and Public Health: The Relationship Between Kindergarten Social Competence and Future Wellness

A 20 year study reinforcing what we've know for years; that being able to get your shovel back is a pretty important skill.  #DAP #play #teaching #learning

The Pyramid Model and Trauma Informed Care: A guide for early childhood professionals to support young children's resilience

A 2018 study estimated that 33.3% of all children were exposed to at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE). ACEs include abuse, household challenges, neglect, drug use or mental illness in the house, parental separation or divorce, incarcerated family members and witnessing domestic violence.  It's important to note that adversity isn't limited to these categories;  housing insecurity, racism, medical trauma, natural disasters and, I would add COVID all can contribute to a child experiencing trauma as a result of the stress of these examples of adversity.  This booklet provides a general over view of trauma and behavior, what ECEs need to know about trauma, how ECEs can promote resilience, understanding trauma informed care, and the intersection between disparity, equity and trauma.  #trauma #ACES #equity #care

Playground or panopticon?

The history of the playground is a story of control.  Read more about it in this article and BONUS! There is an embedded link to their podcast episode (40 min) of the same title!  #play #panopticon #playgrounds #outside 

Creating Inclusive Playgrounds: A Playbook of Considerations and Strategies

Worth the cost of the ink to print out all 140 pages!  From page 11:

This playbook aims to give readers:

• insight into gaps and issues inherent in thinking about inclusive playground design and practice

• insight into how inclusive playgrounds and their surroundings are experienced together

• potential strategies that will contribute to project discussions, designs, budgets, and more

• a depth and breadth of ‘how to’ guidance for designing inclusive playgrounds

• ways to ensure that any inclusively designed playground and its surrounding environment are accessible and welcoming to children with disabilities and their families

#play #inclusion #accessibility #equity #environment #recess #playgrounds #DAP #movement #outside #teaching #learning

Education’s Rotten Apples

The bad stuff has to go away for the good stuff to work.  #DAP #teaching #learning

What if Today Was Their Only Day?

If tomorrow was someone's first last and only day in your program.... what would they remember and how were you a part of that????  #handouts #teaching 

Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

Play is NOT a Stupid Waste of Time

FUN FACT! Mother Nature installed the “play drive” for the same reason she installed that other drive – the drive to reproduce: BOTH are critical for the species to continue. (In fact, play makes you into the kind of person someone would want to reproduce WITH.)  #play #teaching #learning

The COVID generation: how is the pandemic affecting kids' brains?

Child development researchers are asking whether the COVID pandemic is shaping brains and behavior. #teaching #learning 

Allophilia: Moving beyond tolerance in the classroom

Allophilia refers to an individual's feelings of affection, engagement, kinship, comfort and enthusiasm towards members of a group seen as "different" and "other".  In this article, the author provides five ways to promote allophilia in the classroom. #inclusion #equity #teaching #learning

The Evolution of Folk and Fairy Tales in Europe and North America

Literary fairy tales (meaning: written down, as opposed to a spoken story that was shared via oral traditions) were not at first called fairy tales and it was not until the 1690s, in France (of course) that the fairy tale established itself as a "legitimate" genre. #fairytales #stories #reading #books
