For Your Binder

How Kids Learn Resilience

This article is adapted from Paul Tough's 2016 book, Helping Children Succeed: What works and why  #teaching #learning #DAP #resilience #play

Let the Playing Commence! A Tribute to Bev Bos

The author shares 14 key "Bev" phrases that will forever be burned in her brain!  #play #teaching #learning 

Classic kids games like kickball deemed unsafe by state in effort to increase summer camp regulation

Get the bubblewrap!!!!  This list will make your head pop off - but wait, that's probably not safe either.  #play #outside #recess #risk #movement 

Human Nature of Teaching II: How hunter-gatherers taught without coercion.

This is Part II in a series by Peter Gray.  In Part I Gray defined teaching  - here in Part II he examines teaching as it occurs, or occurred, in hunter-gatherer bands. #play #teaching #learning #DAP

Play & Ambiguity

Might some of the chaos found in the study of play theory be due to the lack of clarity about the popular cultural rhetorics that underlie the various play theories and play terms?    This link will take you to a stand alone chapter (written by Sutton-Smith) of The Game Design Reader:  A Rules of Play Anthology by Katie Salen & Eric Zimmerman, 2006.  If Sutton-Smith is new to you, this will be a good warm-up before you dive into his 1997 classic, The Ambiguity of Play.   #play #theorists
