For Your Binder

Cut Out the Pre-Cuts: The trouble with themes in early childhood education

It's time to draw the line in the sand!  #DAP #play #themes #art #creativity #learning #teaching 

Lisa Murphy On... Being Child Centered

Contrary to what your poopy face co-worker might believe, being child centered does NOT mean kids are running around naked with paint flying through the air!  This is the handout that goes with the workshop that goes with the book of the same title! #handouts #play #DAP #teaching 

Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

J.R.R. Tolkien on Fairy Tales, Language, the Psychology of Fantasy, and Why There’s No Such Thing as Writing “For Children”

Authors write. Who the work is deemed "for" is on us. #fairytales #books #stories #reading

Understanding and Applying the Intelligence of Play

Nurture the soil, and the seed grows fully with little attention. Neglect the soil, and the seed’s development is compromised at every step.  #play #DAP #teaching #learning #parenting

How Creativity Flourishes Through Play & Why It Matters

I've included this resource mainly for the image you'll see when you click the link (although it's not an off-base blog post by any means!) I wanted you to see Mitch Resnick's Creative Learning Spiral without (full disclosure: forgive me) all of the MIT tech speak, including descriptions of the technologies he's created, that usually fill the articles that contain the image.  I love this image.  I also believe when children are playing they tap into this cycle of creativity without needing to scratch any crickets.  #play #DAP #creativity

Play Types (poster)

Here is a link from the Play Scotland website to a graphic of all of the play types as identified by Bob Hughes! #play #playwork 

The Tech Industry’s War on Kids: How psychology is being used as a weapon against children

I think the title says it all! 

Please note:  You can get two free articles a month on this site so assuming you have not yet been here, you should have full access to this article. #teaching #learning #technology #screens

Invitations and Provocations: Coming to Terms with Terms

What is the relationship between an invitation and provocation?  Do we use the words interchangeably? Is there really a difference? Might invitations lead to provocations? In this article the author offers some food for thought as to how she uses these terms. #teaching #learning #environment

How Does Your Story Start? Story writing with young children

While Lisa is not implying that you would interrupt a child at play in order to "get" a story, she does think this is a useful tool to have in our tool belts for when the situation is right. Calling on the work of Bev Bos, Vivian Paley & Barry Sanders, not only does this workshop walk you through a story writing process, it also reminds participants of the importance of orality and that we were a talking species before we were a literate one!! #handouts #DAP #stories #teaching #theorists

While this workshop is now a stand-alone session, it used to be a part of the Books and Stories session that was captured on DVD while back.  Did you miss it? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

Why Do We Judge Parents For Putting Kids At Perceived - But Unreal - Risk?

There is some evidence that moral attitudes towards parenting have changed. Example: leaving children unsupervised is now judged as morally "wrong" and, as such, people overestimate the risk associated with it. #risk #play #parenting #outside

The need for pretend play in child development

Imaginative play has been identified as a vital component to a child's development. #play #DAP  #learning 

Early Academic Training Produces Long-Term Harm Research reveals potential risks of academic preschools and kindergartens

Louder for the people in the back!  #DAP #play #teaching #learning
