For Your Binder

Do Early Educators’ Implicit Biases Regarding Sex and Race Relate to Behavior Expectations and Recommendations of Preschool Expulsions and Suspensions?

This study attempts to explain the underlying processes that contribute to the well-documented racial disparities in school readiness, educational achievement and in later life opportunity. #teaching #learning #equity #implicitbias #expulsion

Red Paint in the Hair

An oldie but a goodie about messy play and art! #art #play #DAP #creativity #teaching #learning #parenting

A Tale of Two Pandemics: how will COVID-19 and global trends in physical inactivity and sedentary behavior affect one another?

Is COVID-19 making us move even less than we were before? #recess #play #movement #covid #outside #DAP

Why Attachment Parenting Is Not the Same as Secure Attachment

In my infant workshops I often remind the audience that attachment parenting (as a style) is different than understanding the theory of attachment. This article, which successfully outlines the differences between the two, is one of the best I have ever read. Additionally, in an age/stage format, it provides a sidebar overview of what secure attachment looks like. Whether you are working with 0-3 age group or not, this is a very important article to have at your fingertips!  #DAP #teaching #learning #parenting #relationships #zerotothree

School of Hard Knocks

Present company excluded, it is often a surprise that characteristics such as persistence, self control and curiosity are more important than sheer brainpower when it comes to being "successful"  #play #resilience #DAP #teaching #learning 

Disclosure, depending on how often you access articles from the NYT, you might need to sign up for a subscription.

Hidden Meanings in Children's Fairy Tales

Many important issues can be worked out through argument and conflict.  #fairytales #books #stories #reading 

Preschool Is School, Sometimes

The uneven distribution of high-quality early education classrooms in the United States reflects several factors. The author lists four of them for you!  #teaching #learning #DAP

This is Play

Playing is a paradoxical form of communication: the dog approaches you; he puts his teeth on your arm but he is also wagging his tail. You let him do this because you know the dog is playing.  How do you know this?  #play 

How Kids Learn Resilience

This article is adapted from Paul Tough's 2016 book, Helping Children Succeed: What works and why  #teaching #learning #DAP #resilience #play

The Developmental Stages of Teachers

Competence improves with experience and the knowledge and practice that comes with it! This is a link to the revised (1995) version of Katz' original paper; a link to the original paper from 1972 can be accessed here. #teaching #learning

I did it all by myself! Scaffolding to develop problem-solving and self-help skills in young children

This articles explores the concept of scaffolding and offers a few strategies.  #theorists #DAP #teaching #learning

Improving Children’s Health through Play: Exploring Issues and Recommendations

This report is a collaboration between the Alliance for Childhood and the US Play Coalition acknowledging that while play is making a come-back, we still need rapid, wide-spread progress to avoid additional suffering from play deprivation and to heal children already suffering from it.  #play #DAP #playwork #outside #movement #recess
