For Your Binder

Curiosity, Pleasure and Play: A Neurodevelopmental Perspective

Predictable, consistent, nurturing experiences are required to express the underlying potential of each child. #learning #teaching #DAP #relationships #care

Scribble Samples

This link will take you to over 7000 archived samples of the various stages and styles of scribbling. See the column on the left? Click on "Introduction" and read how to search for something specific.   #art #creativity #DAP #scribbling

The Double-edged Sword of Pedagogy: Instruction limits spontaneous exploration and discovery

How does teaching impact exploration and discovery??? #teaching #learning 

State of Play: How tot lots became places to build children’s brains

The city has come to realize that it must provide for its children, that they have a right to play as well as to work. NYC Mayor Seth Low, 1903. 

So what happened?  #play #playgrounds #outside #movement #adventureplaygrounds #playwork  Of note, depending on how often you access articles in The New Yorker, you might need to sign up for this one.

Fun Facts From the Road Part I

For your enjoyment!  Here is a list of the first batch of fun facts we put up on the original website! #funfacts #posterity #musings

No more worksh*ts!

A good synopsis! #DAP #play #teaching #learning #parenting

Disrupting assumptions of risky play in the context of structural marginalization: A community engagement project in a Canadian inner-city neighbourhood

This link will bring you to a very generous "snippets of the paper" page, it includes more than just the abstract though and some of you might have institutional access to the full study.   There has been little exploration into risky play in the context of urban neighborhoods so this study does just that. Not surprisingly, the study finds that there are enormous inequities in the distribution of wealth within cities which directly and indirectly impact outdoor play and hoe play spaces are maintained.  #play #outside #risk #environment #equity

A state-funded pre-K program led to ‘significantly negative effects’ for kids in Tennessee

Here is another article that emerged in response to the final results of the #Vanderbilt study which came out in early 2022. From the article: "By 6th grade, children in the #Tennessee state funded Pre-K program did worse than their peers (who didn't attend) in measures of academic achievement and behavior. In some pre-K programs, something is not better than nothing."   #play #DAP #teaching #learning #pushdown

Mixed-Age Classrooms Provide Optimal Learning Environment

The nursery (pre)school should be an extension of the family outward rather than of the elementary school downward. #mixedages #DAP #learning #teaching

Oh Those Little Ones

If you work with the wee bairns this one is for you!  While the theory applies to all ages, if you are needing a few fresh ideas for the little ones, this handout will assist.  And while there are activities in the handout, please please please remember it's never ever about the activities; it is about the caring, the connecting, the relationships and attachment! If those ingredients are missing, it doesn't matter how pretty the room is or how much stuff you got! #handouts #care #relationships #DAP #teaching #theorists

Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

Best Play: What play provision should do for children

This is a valuable collaborative resource created by The National Playing Fields Association, PLAYLINK, The Children's Play Council, Play Wales, Play Scotland, Sutcliffe Play & Playboard Northern Ireland.  At it's core is a shared belief that children need to play and as such, need environments that are suitable for them to do so.  #play #playwork #learning #teaching #outside

Decentering Whiteness, Part II

Twenty years later.... still committed to the creation of a society which revolves around a multiracial center. #teaching #learning #equity
