For Your Binder

Let the Playing Commence! A Tribute to Bev Bos

The author shares 14 key "Bev" phrases that will forever be burned in her brain!  #play #teaching #learning 

The Arts and Staying Cool

The art of making a space for the playfulness and messiness of teaching requires courage and letting go! #learning #teaching #creativity #art

Handprint Turkeys, STEP ASIDE! Embracing process art in early childhood programs

Originally entitled, BEYOND PINTEREST! Amen! #art #creativity #teaching #play #learning

Learning to Write and Draw

For very young children, art and early writing skills are one and the same. But this changes over time! This article provides an easy to read overview of the early stages of writing and scribbling.  It also provides user friendly trips on how to encourage creativity while at the same time assisting children in learning that words are powerful and have meaning! #reading #writing #DAP #scribbling #creativity #teaching #learning

Rhoda Kellogg Child Art Collection Handbook

This handbook provides a nice overview and introduction to Rhoda Kellogg, children's art and the stages of scribbling. There is another resource available here on my site that allows you to search the catalog of over 7000 archived scribbles.  #art #creativity #DAP #scribbling

A Brief History of Blocks

This used to be part of the supplementary handouts for the Meet the Masters workshop which is being edited to present a more accurate (and diverse) time line of ECE influencers. The info is now embedded in the block play workshop.  Regardless, it is a good stand alone resource if you'd like a quick crash course in the history of the blocks you probably have in your program! #blocks #theorists #play #handouts #teaching

The Development of Movement - Stages

An excerpt from Peaceful Babies - Contented Mothers (1940) taken from the Sensory Awareness Foundation Winter Bulletin, Number 14, 1994. This link will bring you to the article, where you can also access the rest of the content on the Pikler (USA) website. #movement #learning #teaching #parenting #theorists #DAP

Meet Peter Gray

Here is a link to all of the amazing articles that Peter Gray puts out in support of free play and in doing what is best for children. I have put direct links to a few of them here in the resources section, but this is a link to ALL of them!  Down down down the rabbit hole you go!!  #play #teaching #learning  

The Vital Importance of a Strong Foundation: Why early learning matters

In this Not Just Cute blog post, author Amanda Morgan taps into the house metaphor I use in my PLAY book and uses true-to-life language (they were building a home at the time) that invokes both literal and figurative images of the importance of a strong foundation! #play #DAP #teaching #learning #parenting 

Play is NOT a Stupid Waste of Time

FUN FACT! Mother Nature installed the “play drive” for the same reason she installed that other drive – the drive to reproduce: BOTH are critical for the species to continue. (In fact, play makes you into the kind of person someone would want to reproduce WITH.)  #play #teaching #learning

Seriously Considering Play

First off, regardless of your position on screen based tech please shelve it for this read as, seriously, the article is from 1996 and I am quite sure anyone currently involved in designing interactive media would laugh at how dated and old the language is ("the popular analogy of an office desktop to help a user understand the operation of a microcomputer")  

Also, I reread it a couple times before posting and I really think we can take the message, which might initially seem specific to gaming/interactive media, lift it up and take from it a reminder of the value and importance of play, discovery, intrinsic motivation & self-regulation.  #play #teaching #learning #technology #screens

Visualizing Spaces of Childhood

This article explores the connection between our image of the child and our understanding of children’s spaces. #playgrounds #play #panopticon
