For Your Binder

How Children’s Social Skills Impact Success in Adulthood: Findings from a 20-Year Study on the Outcomes of Children Screened in Kindergarten

Social competence in kindergarten was a significant indicator (in adulthood) of both positive and negative outcomes across all domains: education, employment, criminal justice, substance abuse & mental health.  This link will take you to a summary of the study.  There's a link to the complete study here.     #DAP #teaching #learning #play 

In The News: It All Takes Time! Developing Essential Lifelong Skills Through Play

In 2021 Rhonda Johnson from Community Playthings published highlights from my Being Child Centered Book in their email newsletter, Community Playthings Connect. Needless to say, I was beyond surprised and very honored! #play #teaching #learning #inthenews

16 Outcomes for Early Education

A challenge: Start talking about the 16 Capabilities rather than academic readiness as the desired outcome for ECE programs.  Can you imagine every child going to kindergarten having mastered these 16 things?!?! #DAP #play #learning #teaching #pushdown

Also, you are going to want to read more from the author, Tom Drummond and his fantastic work in ECE, so click here to access his full website!

Cautionary Tales on Interrupting Children's Play: A study from Sweden

This article sheds light on the potential negative effects of adult actions that may interrupt children's play. #play #teaching #parenting

I work with kids. Here’s why they’re consumed with anxiety. It’s not social media.

Tension without intention. #teaching #learning #play #technology #resilience #pushdown
