For Your Binder

Students Who Lose Recess Are the Ones Who Need It Most

Despite evidence that play and social interactions are crucial to cognitive development, schools continue to take recess away. #recess #teaching #learning #outside #movement #DAP #pushdown

Conference notes from Chris Martin, PhD

These are the notes Lisa took from a lecture sponsored by IPA WORLD. Chris Martin shared highlights from his dissertation topic:  Everyday assemblages, affect and agency: children's intra-actions with smart phones in outdoor play. #playwork #conferencenotes #play #tech #technology #environment #outside

Best Play: What play provision should do for children

This is a valuable collaborative resource created by The National Playing Fields Association, PLAYLINK, The Children's Play Council, Play Wales, Play Scotland, Sutcliffe Play & Playboard Northern Ireland.  At it's core is a shared belief that children need to play and as such, need environments that are suitable for them to do so.  #play #playwork #learning #teaching #outside

On the Importance of Fairy Tales: Should we continue to read these frightening stories to our children?

This remains my go-to rationale as to why my forever answer to this ongoing question will be a resounding and unyielding, YES. #fairytales #stories #reading #books

Back to the Playground

In 2007 The Alliance for Childhood shared excerpts from an article that appeared in the Boston Globe explaining the need for adventurous play - I scanned it here for you. #play #recess #adventureplaygrounds #recess #environment

Early Childhood Art Education: A palimpsest

Learning to blur the boundaries between facilitating and instigating in an attempt to define how to teach, without teaching. #art #creativity #teaching #learning

Neuromyths: What are they and what can we do about them?

A current and concise overview - especially if the concept of a neuromyth is new to you! #teaching #learning

On Becoming a Reflective Teacher

Your values will inform your practice.  Read this, then read it again.  #teaching #learning

Building gross motor skills and why it matters

A short article that includes 10 ideas for large and gross motor skill development in young children! #DAP #play #movement #outside #teaching #learning 

Please, "go outside and play"

Unfortunately, “going out to play” has gone the way of the dodo, the typewriter and the eight-track tape.  #outside #play #parenting #risk #resilience 

Note: depending on how often you access the LA Times, you might need to sign up for this one

Are mixed-grade classes any better or worse for learning?

Age is not always an accurate predictor of a child's actual development.  #DAP #learning #teaching #mixedages

Are Fairy Tales Still Useful to Children?

Couple things here - this is an old link and the form to fill out to access the interview is no longer secure - do what you will with that.  Zipes' thoughts down towards the bottom of the page though are still very much worth the read.  Then, if you are so inclined, search his name JACK ZIPES on YouTube... better carve out a couple days!  It's a rabbit hole of amazingness that is worth falling into and you might just be a little sad when you decide to climb back out!  #fairytales #stories #books #reading
