For Your Binder

The need for pretend play in child development

Imaginative play has been identified as a vital component to a child's development. #play #DAP  #learning 

Get a Grip on Fine Motor Development

Developmental readiness for writing starts with large motor movement and play!  Not worksh*ts and pencils!  You can supplement your gross motor play with the following appropriate fine motor ones! #play #DAP #teaching #learning #movement #writing 

The Arts and Staying Cool

The art of making a space for the playfulness and messiness of teaching requires courage and letting go! #learning #teaching #creativity #art

Getting Pre-K Right: The Iceberg Model for Early Developmental Competencies

This article was written by the lead researcher in what is simply referred to now as "The #Vanderbilt Study" - in it she reminds us that greater focus on academics for three and four year olds is not the solution. Her metaphor of an iceberg is a powerful visual; the tip of the iceberg are things we can see (read: measure) like ABCs and 123s, but what is below the surface?  What has actually made these other things visible? Curiosity, persistence, self-control... and when are those skills developed? When children #play !!!!!  #Tennessee #DAP #teaching #learning #environment #pushdown

The Underestimation of America's Preschool Teachers

It's hard for some to think that working with littles is just as complex as working with olders because historically we have implied that anyone can do it.  #teaching #learning #care #relationships

The crucial role of recess in school

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) believes that recess is a crucial component of a child's development and should not be withheld for punitive or academic reasons.  Of note: this position statement was reaffirmed by the AAP in 2016. #recess #DAP #play #teaching #learning #outside #movement

Sensory-Motor Reading Readiness for School

Dr. Johnson has seen children diagnosed with AD/HD or learning disabilities “miraculously” improve when they are taken out of “academic” kindergartens or given an extra year in a developmental kindergarten that emphasizes movement, play, and the integration of their sensory-motor systems.  #DAP #play #teaching #learning #movement #reading #writing

Re-defining the Play Cycle: An empirical study of playworkers’ understanding of playwork theory

The Play Cycle was initially identified in 1998 in what is oft simply referred to as The Colorado Paper. Since then, a new definition of the Play Cycle as been proposed by the authors of this study.  #playwork #play

To Food?! Or Not to Food?!?!

Whether PRO or CON - what is the intention behind your choice? Originally penned in 2006 but revised before posting here on the new website, you will find this to be a handy resource when considering the age old debate of using food in the classroom!  #play #teaching 

Students Who Lose Recess Are the Ones Who Need It Most

Despite evidence that play and social interactions are crucial to cognitive development, schools continue to take recess away. #recess #teaching #learning #outside #movement #DAP #pushdown

Using Mixed-Age Groups to Support Continuity of Care in Center-Based Programs

Mixed-age groupings create a frame for deepening relationships for staff with children and their families.  #mixedages #DAP #teaching #learning

I work with kids. Here’s why they’re consumed with anxiety. It’s not social media.

Tension without intention. #teaching #learning #play #technology #resilience #pushdown
