For Your Binder

Playgrounds, kids and making trouble

May your playground be filled with little troublemaking revolutionaries! #playgrounds #play #parenting #outside #panopticon

Improving Children’s Health through Play: Exploring Issues and Recommendations

This report is a collaboration between the Alliance for Childhood and the US Play Coalition acknowledging that while play is making a come-back, we still need rapid, wide-spread progress to avoid additional suffering from play deprivation and to heal children already suffering from it.  #play #DAP #playwork #outside #movement #recess

Fairplay: Childhood Beyond Brands

Fairplay (formerly Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood) is an independent voice standing up for what kids and families really need. Fairplay is committed to creating a world where kids can be kids, free from the false promises of marketers and the manipulations of Big Tech. There are tons of resources for you here via this link.  #play #DAP #parenting #screens #technology 

What if Today Was Their Only Day?

If tomorrow was someone's first last and only day in your program.... what would they remember and how were you a part of that????  #handouts #teaching 

Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

Toy Advertising

I found this wikipedia post interesting as I was reading up on the speakers and topics to be presented at the 2018 International Toy Research Association (ITRA) conference, 2018, Paris.  #play #toys

The Arts and Staying Cool

The art of making a space for the playfulness and messiness of teaching requires courage and letting go! #learning #teaching #creativity #art

What is Happening to Fine Motor Development?

To put it bluntly, Guddemi says that lacking fine motor skills is not "fine" in Kindergarten! #teaching #learning #DAP #play #pushdown #reading #writing

Day care or preschool? It's not just semantics

An unfortunate side effect of the growing recognition of the early years as learning years is that some people get hyperactive about it.  #parenting #learning #teaching #DAP #care #relationships

When Children Are Not Read to at Home: The Million Word Gap

Conclusion?  Home-based shared book reading represents an important resource for closing the word gap. This is a link to the study. #parenting #teaching #learning #books #stories #DAP #reading 

Where are the people of color in children’s books? A retrospective.

The reason I used this link for you is because within it you will be able to access a few other articles that give historical and more recent (2014) context to this ongoing topic. The other reason is because this website as a whole is a fantastic resource for making sure your book area is providing windows, sliding glass doors and mirrors for everyone! #books #stories #DAP #language #literacy #equity #diversity #teaching #learning #reading

The Colorado Paper

This was my first exposure to playwork as a "discipline" and seeing the playground as therapeutic space; as healing.  #playwork #play 

The Playwork Primer

A wonderful introduction to playwork as well as some key concepts and phrases. It also provides an overview of the play types as identified by Bob Hughes as well as tons of resources & notes at the end.  It might only be 20 some-odd pages, but for a small little book, it packs a punch!  #playwork #DAP #play #teaching #learning
