For Your Binder

School of Hard Knocks

Present company excluded, it is often a surprise that characteristics such as persistence, self control and curiosity are more important than sheer brainpower when it comes to being "successful"  #play #resilience #DAP #teaching #learning 

Disclosure, depending on how often you access articles from the NYT, you might need to sign up for a subscription.

The most important thing you can do with your kids? Play with them! says Dr. Bruce Perry

A timely reminder!!! #play #teaching #learning #parenting

Play Based Learning Has Many Benefits

This articled appeared in The Medicine Hat News (Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada) when I was up there doing a presentation. More fuel for your #play fire!! #DAP #teaching #learning 

Lisa Murphy on... PLAY

The findings consistently show that the foundation is what supports the house!  Want a huge academic mansion? Then make the foundation rock solid!  This is the handout that goes with the workshop that goes with the book of the same title! #play #DAP #pushdown #teaching #handouts

Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

Play Therapy Themes

Wondering how play therapists choose materials?? #DAP #play #playtherapy

Building gross motor skills and why it matters

A short article that includes 10 ideas for large and gross motor skill development in young children! #DAP #play #movement #outside #teaching #learning 

A Randomized Control Trial of a Statewide Voluntary Prekindergarten Program on CHildren's Skills and Behaviors through Third Grade

This 2015 report provides preliminary findings from the longitudinal Vanderbilt Study, which started in 2009.  This study set out to identify whether or not children who participate in Tennessee PreK programs make greater gains than children who don't. #teaching #learning #DAP #pushdown 

The school where kids can build dens

The author states that his guide on the visit said the den building was not an adult idea: it originated from children’s spontaneous activity. #dens #forts #play #outside #teaching 

Meet Peter Gray

Here is a link to all of the amazing articles that Peter Gray puts out in support of free play and in doing what is best for children. I have put direct links to a few of them here in the resources section, but this is a link to ALL of them!  Down down down the rabbit hole you go!!  #play #teaching #learning  

How Gender Disparities Affect Classroom Learning

If this is a new area of investigation for you, this is a good starting spot! #gender #teaching #learning #equity

A Basic Introduction to Child Development Theories

I am including this document as it presents some names that are not typically included in a "basic intro to the theorists" resource; and I liked that. #DAP #teaching #learning #theorists 

On Fairy Stories

Here is the full text of the essay Tolkein presented (in an abbreviated form) in 1938 at St. Andrews, Scotland.  A couple of my favorite quotes: "If fairy story as a kind is worth reading at all it is worthy to be written for and ready by adults."  And, "It may be better for them (children) to read some things, especially fairy stories, that are beyond their measure rather than short of it. Their books like their clothes should allow for growth, and their books at any rate should encourage it." #books #stories #fairytales #reading 
