For Your Binder

Why Do We Judge Parents For Putting Kids At Perceived - But Unreal - Risk?

There is some evidence that moral attitudes towards parenting have changed. Example: leaving children unsupervised is now judged as morally "wrong" and, as such, people overestimate the risk associated with it. #risk #play #parenting #outside

Building Blocks of Math Skills: The Many Ways Block Building Supports Young Children’s Discovery of Early Math Concepts

Unit blocks have been around for over 100 years!  Why is their potential still so often underestimated?? #math #play #blocks #DAP #learning #teaching

In The News: A book review of Being Child Centered

While the journal ceased publication in 2020, they continue to provide their articles as an archived resource and in the summer of 2020 Louise Parks, then editor of the Texas Child Care Quarterly, shared a review of my book Lisa Murphy on...  Being Child Centered with my editor at Redleaf Press, as well as some humbling words for which I will be forever grateful:

I’m delighted that we were able to include a review of On being Child Centered by Lisa Murphy. I’ll confess to laughing out loud (and shedding not a few tears) as I read Ms. Murphy’s wise and witty words, and longing for my days back in the classroom with eager, curious, and energetic three-year-olds. In a spectacular amalgam of Lilian Katz and Vivian Paley (my ECE heroes) Murphy calls educators to task (Katz) with anecdotes and examples (Paley) that are accessible, meaningful, and empowering of both adults and the children in their care. Can you tell this is one of my all-time favorites?!

#play #teaching #learning #inthenews 

Why can't we get beyond quality?

What's the "problem with quality" and why can't we get beyond it? #teaching

Dressing the Part

Are we disguising bad teaching with nice clothes??? #teaching

The need for pretend play in child development

Imaginative play has been identified as a vital component to a child's development. #play #DAP  #learning 

Learning Trajectories in Early Mathematics – Sequences of Acquisition and Teaching

We are moving towards understanding - not moving through curriculum!  #math #DAP #teaching #learning


Here is the initial child centered manifesto that appeared on my original website! And guess what?!!? It is all still true! Only thing different is that now I have a whole book about it, not just a webpage!

#teaching #learning #DAP #posterity #musings

The Having of Wonderful Ideas

An excerpt from her book of essays of the same title, it'll whet your whistle and make you realize you need to get the book! #DAP #teaching #learning #theorists

Principles of Early Childhood Education

Twelve important points that would still be relevant even if the copyright date was 1800! #play #teaching #learning #DAP

Rough and Tumble Play

This is a link to a nice (yet brief) overview of the benefits of rough and tumble play.  BONUS! There are some great resources listed at the end, including a few YouTube videos! #play #DAP #powerplaying

Why good teachers allow a child’s mind to wander and wonder

Our educational climate is often inhospitable to instigating a sense of wonder. #teaching #learning #creativity 
