For Your Binder
The Development of Movement - Stages
An excerpt from Peaceful Babies - Contented Mothers (1940) taken from the Sensory Awareness Foundation Winter Bulletin, Number 14, 1994. This link will bring you to the article, where you can also access the rest of the content on the Pikler (USA) website. #movement #learning #teaching #parenting #theorists #DAP
Play-based learning
There are 10 play-focused articles in this 65 page document. I'd suggest exploring one article at a time... maybe for an ECE discussion group or perhaps a college class or monthly staff meeting?!? #play #DAP #teaching #learning
The Return of Play
From the author: "I felt like a birdwatcher that had spotted a rare species." How refreshing! #play #teaching #learning #adventureplaygrounds #outside #nature #playwork #playgrounds #risk
Let The Kids Learn Through Play
Sooner is NOT better and who decided that "early birds" like worms anyway???
#play #pushdown #learning #teaching
Life After Nature Preschool: Exploring the long term effects of nature-based education
Spoiler alert - nature based preschool is a positive thing! What we need now are researchers who can test this hypothesis in ways that look beyond test scores! #play #outside #teaching #learning #forestschools #nature
Setting up a Process-Oriented Classroom: Learning from the Journey in a "Yes-Environment"
Getting closer to YES! #teaching #learning #art #creativity #play
Has Direct Instruction Banished Exploration? Not So Fast!
I'll take Door #2 please, any day every day and all day! #play #teaching #learning
Nurturing Creativity: Preparing young children for the challenges ahead
Creative thinking is critical for progress and for survival. How is it fostered? #art #creativity #play #teaching #resilience #DAP
Play as a Social Justice Issue in Early Childhood Education
This link will bring you to a Master's Thesis from a Bank Street student. In it she explores (the lack of) play as a social justice issue. "Helping low income kids" often gets translated into "eliminating play" and we know this flies smack in the face of what the research (which she does a fantastic job reviewing!) tells us should be happening for all children regardless of socio-economic status. The paper is informative; her references are invaluable. #DAP #play #equity #teaching #learning
Lisa Murphy On... Being Child Centered
Contrary to what your poopy face co-worker might believe, being child centered does NOT mean kids are running around naked with paint flying through the air! This is the handout that goes with the workshop that goes with the book of the same title! #handouts #play #DAP #teaching
Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool
The Healing Power of Play: Therapeutic Work with Chronically Neglected and Abused Children
This is one of the most bittersweet pieces I've ever read. It will break your heart and yet show you how to repair it all at the same time. Read: the pure power of PLAY. #play #playwork #teaching #learning
All rigor and no play is no way to improve learning
At the heart of this zero-sum game are assumptions that rigorous content requires work, while play is frivolous. #teaching #learning #DAP #play