For Your Binder

Assessing and Scaffolding Make Believe Play

For your consideration, I offer a counter-comment to this article: How about instead of applying another adult-directed ACrYNoM we put back into early childhood programs the things the adults stole in the first place?  I'll offer time, choice, play and mixed ages to get the conversation started...  #mixedages #play #DAP #teaching #learning 

Being active in play environments: The key to children’s health and wellbeing

It's important to make sure neighborhoods have diverse environmental qualities that encourage children & caregivers to stay physically active, meet friends and connect with the natural environment.  #play #outside #movement 

How Gender Disparities Affect Classroom Learning

If this is a new area of investigation for you, this is a good starting spot! #gender #teaching #learning #equity

The perils of "Growth Mindset" education: Why we're trying to fix our kids when we should be fixing the system

How a promising but oversimplified idea caught fire, then got coopted by conservative ideology. #teaching

Setting Children Up to Hate Reading

The American Academy of Pediatrics reminds us that the critical factor as to how a student will learn to read “is not how aggressively,” the child is given instruction, but rather their “own enthusiasm for learning” yet still, we push.  #DAP #reading #teaching #learning #pushdown #play #parenting

Human Nature of Teaching II: How hunter-gatherers taught without coercion.

This is Part II in a series by Peter Gray.  In Part I Gray defined teaching  - here in Part II he examines teaching as it occurs, or occurred, in hunter-gatherer bands. #play #teaching #learning #DAP

It’s in the Mix. An Exploratory Study of a Mixed Age Group Model in West Dublin

Play in a mixed age group is more creative than competitive.  #mixedages #play #learning #teaching #DAP

Children Need Fairy Tales

This article provides four concise answers to the question, Why do children need fairy tales?  #fairytales #stories #books #reading

Hugs, Not Drugs

This is a bit lengthy and quite dated.  Of Note: there is no publication date provided, but it references stats from the 1990s so while I wouldn't advise quoting the numbers, the general overarching premise is timely: the wildest colts make the best horses.  Are we medicating to truly assist? Or to increase compliance within a broken system?  #teaching #learning #DAP #movement

Multiple Intelligences Theory

Lisa uses Howard Gardner's existing framework as a platform to stretch ourselves out of our comfort zones to make sure our classrooms are making room for everyone - not just the kids we like.  #handouts #teaching #learning #DAP #theorists

Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

The Perks of a Play In The Mud Educational Philosophy: When did America decide preschool should be in a classroom?

Nature preschools, forest kindergartens, outdoor pre-K, call 'em what you want, they've grown in number almost 500% since 2012! #nature #play #outside #forestschools

Four new tools for building your child-guidance skills

A little shameless plug here! In the summer of 2020 the Texas Child Care Quarterly published four book reviews and I was honored to see that my book, Lisa Murphy on... Being Child Centered was one of the ones they included!  This link will take you to all four - mine is the last one.  #teaching #learning #environment #press #play 
