For Your Binder

Multi-Age Groupings in Early Childhood Education: The affordances and opportunities of a multi-age child care model

You'll need to restock your ink and paper if you like to print things out. It'll be worth it!  #mixedages #learning #teaching #DAP

Conceptual split? Parents' and experts' perceptions of play in the 21st century

What say you mom?!?!!?  #DAP #play #parenting #teaching #learning

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiage Classrooms in the Era of NCLB Accountability

How can we reap the benefits of The Mix when 8 out of 10 teachers report being opposed to differentiated instruction?  #teaching #learning #mixedages

The role of doll play in language development

I happened upon this article while reading a newsletter that covers the happenings of the toy industry. The part that caught my eye was this: research found children talked more about others’ thoughts and emotions, a concept known as internal state language (ISL), when playing with dolls than while playing tablet games.  I mean we know this, right?!?  But I just love love love when someone does the math to prove it.  Access the full study here.   More fuel for our #play fire!  #toys #learning #DAP #screens #technology

The Case for Elementary School Recess

Even juries get recess!!!!!  #recess #movement #play #DAP #outside #teaching #learning

This is Play

Playing is a paradoxical form of communication: the dog approaches you; he puts his teeth on your arm but he is also wagging his tail. You let him do this because you know the dog is playing.  How do you know this?  #play 

Curiosity: The Fuel of Development

Read the article, then print out the table!  Keep it handy and share it too! It's a fantastic visual resource and reminder of the power of exploration and play! #play #DAP #teaching #learning #relationships #care

Lisa Murphy On... Being Child Centered

Contrary to what your poopy face co-worker might believe, being child centered does NOT mean kids are running around naked with paint flying through the air!  This is the handout that goes with the workshop that goes with the book of the same title! #handouts #play #DAP #teaching 

Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

Einstein May Never Have Used Flashcards, But He Probably Built Forts: Bringing play back into the lives of children

Can you just see it? A young Einstein, wild hair flying, throwing his mother’s quilt over a couple of chairs and crawling underneath!?!?!  #nature #play #forts #dens #looseparts #outside

Setting up a Process-Oriented Classroom: Learning from the Journey in a "Yes-Environment"

Getting closer to YES!  #teaching #learning #art #creativity #play

The Playwork Primer

A wonderful introduction to playwork as well as some key concepts and phrases. It also provides an overview of the play types as identified by Bob Hughes as well as tons of resources & notes at the end.  It might only be 20 some-odd pages, but for a small little book, it packs a punch!  #playwork #DAP #play #teaching #learning

The Vital Role of Play in Early Childhood Education

This is a link to an essay which was published in a few books, including All Work and No Play... How Educational Reforms Are Harming Our Preschoolers, edited by Sharna Olfman. After reading this stand alone essay you might decide that you need the whole book.  You might also start to wonder how many more essays and articles and books we need to write before folks believe us and the power of play!  #play #DAP #pushdown #teaching #learning #theorists
