For Your Binder

Monkey Bars Are a Menace! They broke my daughter’s arm. Why are they still around?

Short of cocooning our darlings in bubble wrap, nothing’s going to keep them completely safe. #play #outside #risk #movement #parenting #teaching #playgrounds

Why Attachment Parenting Is Not the Same as Secure Attachment

In my infant workshops I often remind the audience that attachment parenting (as a style) is different than understanding the theory of attachment. This article, which successfully outlines the differences between the two, is one of the best I have ever read. Additionally, in an age/stage format, it provides a sidebar overview of what secure attachment looks like. Whether you are working with 0-3 age group or not, this is a very important article to have at your fingertips!  #DAP #teaching #learning #parenting #relationships #zerotothree

The perils of "Growth Mindset" education: Why we're trying to fix our kids when we should be fixing the system

How a promising but oversimplified idea caught fire, then got coopted by conservative ideology. #teaching

A Research-Based Case for Recess: Position Paper

The purpose of the paper is to explore the current state of recess, identify best recess practices and disseminate effective ways to advocate for recess. #recess #play #outside #movement #teaching

Link between ADHD, academic expectations identified by researchers

In the United States, we’ve decided that increasing academic demands on young children is a good thing. What we haven’t considered, are the potential negative effects. #DAP #movement #teaching #learning #pushdown

No more worksh*ts!

A good synopsis! #DAP #play #teaching #learning #parenting

Red Paint in the Hair

An oldie but a goodie about messy play and art! #art #play #DAP #creativity #teaching #learning #parenting

Curiosity: The Fuel of Development

Read the article, then print out the table!  Keep it handy and share it too! It's a fantastic visual resource and reminder of the power of exploration and play! #play #DAP #teaching #learning #relationships #care

The Colorado Paper

This was my first exposure to playwork as a "discipline" and seeing the playground as therapeutic space; as healing.  #playwork #play 

Lack of free play among children is causing harm, say experts

In this brief update from Boston College, guest editor Peter Gray gives an overview of the articles appearing in the August 2011 issue of The American Journal of Play in which he had a few pieces. #play #teaching #learning #parenting

Ten Little Hotdogs Fryin' in the Whaaaa???

How many songs do you know??? Memorize them memorize them memorize them!  Need assistance?  Search Lisa's YouTube to watch the ones you need and want to learn!  #songs #singing #music #handouts

Want to watch the whole workshop?  Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

Why Children Might Benefit From a “Combination” Classroom

Nine advantages of blended classrooms!  #DAP #learning #teaching #mixedages
